Growing up in ‘Tip

John DeCamps was born in Town Street (Tip).  His mother was Brandon-born, nee Dyer, so he has a few memories of his time there …

“I was born in my grandparents house in 1942.  Mum and I lived with them till dad was demobbed after the war, then we moved to a Nissen hut on Rattlers Road in 1947.  When my sister arrived we then moved to my dad’s home village in Lincolnshire in February 1949.  However I used to stay with my grandparents during most school holidays, until 1960.  I would knock about with John Croxall, Brian Muteham, John Rolls and Nigel Bond.  I always reckoned our gang was the inspiration for the “Just William” books.

Fun in the back yard of 3 The Street

This looks like fun in the backyard at 3 the Street, probably about 1930.  This is my nan Emma Dyer and my aunts Queenie and Babs, with my mum sprawled across Babs’ knee.  I have no idea what they were up to.

Dyer family on swing boats

This is the family at the fair.  Left to Right: my nan Emma Dyer (Norton), Jimmy Dyer, Queenie Dyer, grandad Walter Dyer, Millie Dyer (my mum wearing grandad’s trilby) and Babs Dyer.  This was probably taken in the mid ’30s.”