Creating space for our temporary exhibits

Saturday 13th May update – temporary exhibits

Temporary exhibits room

A productive day spent clearing a room to house our temporary exhibits (‘pop-up’ exhibitions), which can be changed regularly to keep things fresh and interesting.  An old noticeboard tucked away behind filing cabinets at the rear of the building is now back up on the wall again (thanks Ray!) and with the addition of some display boards we now have the opportunity to display photos and artifacts that we may not always have space for.  It will also allow us to select some of our objects on display and make them centre pieces, adding extra research notes to them, rather than be crowded in a cabinet among other items.  Alternatively this area could house YOUR collection.  Yes, that’s right.  Perhaps you have some photos or objects relating to Brandon’s heritage?  If so then just let us know and we will assist you in displaying your pride and joy to the wider community.

Reception area

Opposite the temporary exhibit room is the  reception room and library.  There is now space created to display photos and postcards of Brandon landscapes from years ago – showing how the town once looked.  We can even show you how the Heritage Centre once looked, as a Fire Station.  Did you know the station once had an outbuilding attached to the front?  Well we can show you where that was.

First visitors

We are not in a position to open to the public, although we are working hard to be ready for our Open Day on 4th June.  So please come along and visit us then.  However we had our first visitors today.  An American couple, visiting family in and around Brandon, came to the centre for info about local history and attractions to visit.  Although they didn’t stay long enough for a wander round the centre, they did stop for a quick chat and left a donation of £2.  Sadly I forgot to ask them to sign the visitor’s book, but they promised to visit on the Open Day, so we may catch up again.  Taking of the Open Day.  Preparations are under way, so make sure you visit us when you are at the carnival.  Sunday 4th June.