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We are on Twitter & Instagram!
You can now follow us on Twitter: @IP27Heritage and Instagram: brandon_heritagecentre
Brandon Heritage Centre is very lucky to have a younger member of the community on the management team, giving us a youth perspective, which will assist us to include ALL aspects of our community. We really need to inspire a new generation to take an interest in the town’s heritage.
Our new ‘Youth Liaison Officer’ has been tasked with overseeing our Twitter and Instagram accounts. First off the blocks is an ambitious Twitter project called #BrandonHeritage365 which will see one tweet a day, every day, for a whole year. Yes, every day for the next year we will be tweeting a photo that highlights an aspect of Brandon’s Heritage – perhaps an artifact in the centre, a building still standing in the town, or a photo of Brandon’s past. Why not ‘follow’ us on Twitter and see if we can accomplish our #BrandonHeritage365?