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Minutes from 2017 A.G.M.
Brandon Heritage Centre AGM, 7.30pm 25th May 2017
Below are the bullet points from our A.G.M. …
- Meeting opened by Chairman Tony Simmons at 7.30pm.
- Chairman Tony Simmons resigned.
- Nomination sought for new Chairman. Tim Kent nominated and voted as new Chairman.
- Reg Silvester resigned as Trustee.
- New Trustees nominated and appointed:
- Tim Kent (Chairman)
- Dorothy Pocock
- Mark Skinner
- Hugh Lodge
- Richard Crowther
- Tony Gobbold
- Darren Norton (Management Group Representative)
- Viktor Lukaniuk (Town Council Representative)
- One existing Trustee did not attend the meeting and will be asked whether they want to continue as Trustee.
- Mark Skinner nominated and appointed as Secretary.
- Hugh Lodge nominated and appointed as Treasurer.
- Trustees will not interfere with day to day running of the centre, instead concentrate on its financing and adhering to legislation.
- Management Committee introduced:
- Darren Norton (Manager)
- Jenny Brocklehurst (Artifacts Officer)
- Jane King (Press Officer)
- Millie Ball (Social Media Officer/Youth Liaison)
- Alison Barnes (Main keyholder/Volunteer Liaison)
- Additional Committee members = Peter Jeffrey, Lynda Smith and Cherry Rogers.
- More members of the public are welcome to join the management team.
- Votes of thanks given to the above and also to Viktor Lukaniuk (tracing flint panels from Community Centre – hopefully we shall get these displayed within the Centre) and Keith Turnbull (donation of a laminator).
- The legacy of the Heritage Centre will be to inspire others so they have confidence to research the town and/or volunteer, which will lead to Brandon’s Heritage Centre having a presence in the town for many years to come.
- The Chairman explained the financial difficulties facing the centre, which have been alleviated in the short term by a combined donation of £1,000 from two of the Trustees. Discussions then followed about raising funds – Eddie Stewart (selling dvds of archive footage of Brandon), Lynda Smith (re-release the ‘Brandon at War’ book), Gary Brocklehurst (bucket collection at Brandon Carnival – which was supported by two members of the public and the local scouts). Viktor Lukaniuk offered a donation from his locality budget.
- Suggestions for other projects also well received.
- The Chairman acknowledged the excellent public support received so far.
- Meeting closed at 8.45pm by Chairman Tim Kent