‘Towler Cup’ returns to Brandon

Another piece of Brandon heritage returns to the town – the Towler Cup

Brandon Heritage Centre is pleased to be in receipt of the ‘Towler Cup’ after it was found in the effects of the late Reggie Edwards and then gifted to the centre.  We are also very fortunate to receive the original box the trophy came in, from Thurlow Champness, of Bury St. Edmunds who are still very much in business today.

The origins of the cup date back to August 1935, when Arthur Towler Esq., a Brandon councillor and committee member of one the town’s football teams, offered the cup as a prize in a charity football match.  It appears the aim was to raise enough cash so the Brandon Red Cross Society could buy a new ambulance and build a station building to house it.  The ambulance would then be staffed by Brandon’s Red Cross volunteers.

The cup has been donated by Charlotte Cirillo, whose mother – Anne Tunaley; was left the cup by Reg Edwards.