Tag: WW2

  • Evacuees reunion

    Dorothy Hagarty shares a photo of a reunion between her family and wartime evacuees who stayed with them on George Street. This is a photo taken at the back of my grandmother’s home at 30 George Street in Brandon.  I am the one back row right.  Next to me is my ‘aunt’ Connie, who was…

  • Remains of Nissan huts found

    Thank you to Brandon resident Sylvia Steward for letting us know about these concrete steps she discovered while walking in the forest near Rowan Drive, which probably belonged to the old Nissan huts that formed the army camp on that site during WW2.  When the army left at the end of the war the huts then became home…

  • The evacuee boarding above the ironmonger shop …

    An idyllic childhood Peter Woods recalls his time as an evacuee, staying in a flat above Woodrow’s ironmonger, overlooking Market Hill, in the 1940s … “Our ‘front room’ looked out onto the market square and in one corner of this room stood a Morrison shelter.  This had a flat top with a cage like construction underneath.  When the…